> Day 1: Meet Your Helping Spirits and Learn Shamanic Journeying
> Day 2: Hone and Expand Your Shamanic Skills
Come and meet your helping spirits and power animals! In this weekend workshop you will be introduced to the ancient practice of shamanism. You will learn shamanic journeying using various techniques, and also practice your new skills to journey for both yourself and others.
Day One
On Day One you will gain understanding of some basic, essential shamanic concepts and then experience the visionary shamanic journey for yourself. We will explore the worlds of the shamanic journey, and gain healing, insight, wisdom and help from compassionate helping spirits and power animals. Here is what you’ll learn about on Day One:
- Creating sacred space
- The Seven Directions
- The Shamanic Cosmology
- Journeying in the Lower World to meet a Power Animal
- Journeying in the Upper World to meet an Upper World Teacher
- Journeying in the Middle World with your Middle World Guide
Day Two
On Day Two you will learn how to sharpen and focus your journeys so that they become lifelong tools, assisting you to gain wisdom, perspective and power. You will also learn to widen your relationships with helping Spirits. You will leave this class understanding how to apply your new knowledge to make your daily life happier and fuller, and to help others to find their own power. Here is what you’ll learn about on Day Two:
- The Celtic way of journeying
- Journeying and Dreaming
- Helping to heal and empower others with your journeying skills
- Practical ways to use your new journeying skills for a richer life
Spiritual Pros
This class, though it takes great care to nurture beginners, is also a good weekend for those already doing spiritual work. The weekend is a good “beginner mind” check for those who already journey, as well as a rich exploration of additional possibility and relationships for psychics and mediums.
Dates: January 16 & 17, 2021, 10am-5pm
Location: via Zoom
Cost: $350
Ready to sign-up? Reserve Your Spot
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