Classes & Workshops: Learn with Denise

Two-Year Shamanic Healing Practice program

For some of us the call to take up a healing practice is so insistent, so constant, so in alignment with the beats of our heart, that we cannot do anything other than surrender. If that call comes to you, this might be the right work for you. This is not “weekend workshop” shamanism, even though we do meet on weekends. It is a two year commitment between you and Spirit and your fellow human beings to pick up the tool basket you need to practice shamanic healing in the world.

What you will learn

In this training, you will become part of a circle of dedicated healers, all working to heal themselves and the world through shamanic practice. We will dedicate ourselves equally to learning shamanic healing techniques and to exploring our own beings, our shadows and our strengths, so that we show up as the powerful healers we came into this life to be.

If you choose to show up 100%, at the end of things you will know so much more about who you are, how you have been living, and how you limit yourself from your own freedom. You will also have a full basket of robust shamanic tools that have been forged by Spirit expressly for your use to heal yourself and others.

When we begin

Our first weekend gathering for this program will be Saturday, 10 and Sunday, April 11. We will meet once each quarter, for seven quarters after that. An obligatory, pre-qualifying meeting will be held in January 2021 using Zoom. Check back for more details.*

This pre-qualifying meeting will help you to meet with Spirit to determine whether this is the right work for you. As such, good shamanic journeying skills are absolutely required for this work; there will be no other way to access the resources and information required for it.

How to apply

If this sounds like the right next step for you, please complete and submit your request using the form at the bottom of this page. Completing this form will begin the application process.  You will receive the Zoom link for the pre-qualifying  meeting.


  • Pre-qualifying Meeting: January 2021. Specific date to be announced, please check back in late December.*
  • First Gathering: April 10 & 11, 2021

*To join the pre-qualifying video meeting (contact us and receive the link), you will need a tablet or laptop computer, or a smartphone . Using a tablet or laptop will allow you to better participate because you the larger screen will permit better viewing of the participants and Denise. You will need to have your device plugged in so that your battery does not run out during this two hour call. You should plan to be in a quiet room with a door that can be closed to prevent distractions or interruptions. And, while not required, you will have the best results with the video call if you have downloaded and become familiar with the Zoom app prior to the call.

Two-Year Training Sign-up Form: